Hi! I’m a Design Technologist and User Experience Designer. By day I design + <code/> digital products and also craft Design Systems. By night I enjoy hand lettering, making moss art and doing illustrations.

I'm in the business of engineering...


From sketching a single Sign Up page to building an app from scratch in code, I follow the same design-to-code process. The consistency of my output is rooted in the strength of this process, however it is not dogma and it adapts to specific use cases.

MY process

how i works             |


Who are the Users and what's their problem?

The more you know the User(s) and their environment, the easier is to define their Problem so I begin with lots of research. As they say, "Don't judge a man [design for a user] until you've walked a mile in his [his/her] shoes."

MY process

how I works             |


What's the solution?

Through a Divergence Sprint, I come up with as many ideas as I can that could solve the problem based on my findings from Step 1. I choose the best solution and then formulate a testable hypothesis. I should be able to educatedly elaborate how and why I chose that solution and subsequent hypothesis.

MY process

how I works             |


What does the solution feel like? 

Design is not just how things look. It has to make sense and invoke targeted feelings. The goal in this step is to create an experience for the solution that delivers the least Cognitive Dissonance and most positive feelings. I find this Step to be the most rewarding and fun since is the the most human. For this step my tool of choice is pen and paper, a whiteboard and/or Sketch app.

MY process

how I works             |


What does the solution look like? 

At this point, I have a testable hypothesis and a designed solution. This is where you get to validate if your hypothesis is correct. I will usually conduct usability studies, user interviews, A/B tests utilizing Invision, or AdobeXD to wire the designs and Flinto, Principle, or Origami for the interaction.

MY process

how I works             |


What's next?

Once I have the results from my testing, I hopefully validated my hypothesis. If I succeed, I go forward with this last step in this iteration and build the solution or feature in code. It is not until I have validated a hypothesis that I even open the Terminal. That way I have data and logic to back my executions in code. After building, I move on to the next cycle of the same 5 steps. 

See it in action

Creative Lab

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